10 February 2021

 I had a little baby staying here with his mum and older sister.  Having a baby in the house, as well as a young child makes you wake up to the wonder of life.  For a baby everyday is a new discovery and adding to his experiences.  Watching children also made me feel the ephemeral quality of a day, minute, second!  So much happens with each new day.  

The baby's older sister at times wanted time to stand still as she felt that being small seemed to get more attention.  I am sure many people would like time to stand still.  But no, each day goes by and we move into another day, month, year and then decades pass.  

The three year old asked me if I had ever been her age and when I said I had, I could see her trying to comprehend that idea and then wrestle with the possiblity that she too might get to be as old as me!

Well, as time rushes by, I hope I can spread some love and light in someone else's life as my December comes.

1 comment:

  1. Finally found my blog again. Now checking to see which friends are still posting in their blog. Just read a few of your posts since the old computer crashed. Didn`t have my blog on the laptop, finally bought another desktop and today located my Blog. Yes, having little ones in the house sure brightens up every day. Can`t wait for things to improve and we can again hug our loved ones. Have only seen pictures of most of the family this past year. Pray all is well with you and all your loved ones.


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