27 December 2021

 So another Christmas has come and gone.  I was not as Grinchy as I am normally (yes I really am a grinch about Christmas since my children grew up and left the nest).  We had a Christmas Eve get together not usual around here, as most people are on Lent till Christmas morning and 2 out of 3 of my family were here.  But, since I am a reluctant and lazy cook, at the end of it I am totally cooked out!  I can't bring myself to do any sort of cooking for a while.

On another note, the news from all over the world seems so depressing these days, I do not want to read the newspapers.  I find I have been hiding my head  in fiction, the lighter the better, or it has to be fantasy.  But then again, one never knows how life can suddenly change, fate always working mysteriously.  So here I am hoping that 2022 would be an improvement on 2021/