15 March 2007


I'm getting it, I'm getting it, I'm getting it--a new camera phone. I promise pictures of the wildlife outside my window, etc. I'm so excited!


  1. YAY! I can't wait to see your photos!

    The oldest's MRI was "unremarkable". So now we wait for his appointment to see the specialist at the children's hospital on 4/4. I hate waiting, so please post lots of pictures so I can pass the time?

  2. Do you know that pics taken with a camera phone, what ever model it is, is not so adorable ???

  3. Tsk. That's not true. Every pic on my blog is taken with my cameraphone, which was one of the early models. They're even better now.

  4. Susan: Wow, waiting to see the pics
    Nice to see your posts again. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Ah yes, that means you are feeling better. I too wish that your mum could have read my book. In fact I admire her a lot. I'm sure you must be a lot like her too. I wish I could be as enterprising and enthusiastic as her in my eighties!
    Btw,you could get the book from Landmark,Chennai. Do write to me after you've read it

  5. thanks esbee--very encouraging your comment. can't wait to try it for myself.
    geets, will buy the book and let you know the review.

  6. yes, i read bek's blog regularly. rohit was my senior and i know practically everyone in their wedding album, which i checked out yesterday.

  7. Hey Suze, I've done the book tag too!

  8. I love having a camera phone! Jay's uploads to flickr immediately. So, as soon as we take photos, they're available online. It's so nice when you're like us and forget to take a camera with you, or when fun moments pop up unexpectedly! Good luck with yours... I can't wait to see the pictures!


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