03 September 2008

An Award.

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw that Usha, at Ageless Bonding, had given me this award---"The Brilliant Weblog award" - given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design.I am really touched and am flying Usha! Thank you so much.

The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogosphere. The rules are:
1. Put the logo on your blog;

2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you;

3. Nominate 7 (minimum 5) other blogs;

4. Add links to them on your blog;

5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.

Well, as had happened to Usha, happened to me too--many of my favourite blogs have already received the award, including Usha's :)
Here is my list then:

1. Annie Bluesky over at BlogU. She is amazing. She maintains 4 blogs actually, one a purely photgraphic blog, one a recipe blog, one of photographs and comments on her life in Florida and of course BlogU from where I got all the help in tweaking my blog.

2. Dot at Dot's Thoughts. She is one energetic senior! She maintains her blog as well as gardens, does carpentry, cooks and copes with life's difficulties cheerfully.

3. Desperately Seeking Serenity for her sharing of her personal growth and--in her own words--" Seeking world peace and personal tranquillity through words".

4. Beks over at Beks & Ro for so many reasons, one being that she is very special to me.

5. Deena at Can I be Pretty in Pink . She is a very brave lady, putting up a tough fight against the enemy of cancer.

6.Onedia's Bull Shoals Backyard Habitat for being a real 'greenie'. She certainly has beautifully designed blogs.

7. Rohini's Mama Says So, where Rohini shares her life as a busy working mother.

I am adding this blog of somebody dear who passed away a year ago, but was amazing in her ability to tackle new technology. She was almost 90 when she passed away.

Yet another brave lady's blog I want to add here is Literally Blind-sided and Bimbimbie from Australia--if you are interested in birdlife.

Hope the readers of this blog find these blogs as interesting--in content and/or design as I do.


  1. Anonymous1:48 am

    Thank you so much for thinking of me! And, I love your new favicon!! How adorable.

  2. Thank you for leading us to these wonderful blogs.

  3. That was a nice list.will check them out.

  4. Congrats on the award! :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Thank you so much for the award. I have had trouble getting into your site and also was having a problem finding where my side list of blogs disappeared to. Thanks to Walker, here I am.
    I just finished catching up on a lot of your posts.
    I was able to copy the award rules, but unable to use copy and paste to be able to put the award onto my blog. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong?
    Hugs, Dot


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