31 March 2008

The many mahogany trees around are in bloom and the ground is covered with the the little star-like flowers. The scent in the evening and early mornings is heavenly!

A photo I was able to take a little while back. You can get an idea of how tiny the flowers are. Yet how much fragrance they release!


  1. I love all the photographs you take. They are so exquisitely Kerala, that sometimes I almost feel like I can smell the fragrances.

  2. I didn't know mahogany blossomed either. Amazing. Wish I could smell the fragrance. And I love the tiny star flowers.

  3. Anonymous10:26 pm

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  4. Mahogany blossoms ? Oh how lovely !I thought they were a variety of jasmine . I can well imagine the fragrance on the morning air .
    Look out for a plot of land for me Im relocating :P

  5. Oh i love the blooms on the ground
    and I'd love to see the blooms of mahogany!!
    thanks for sharing..

  6. Thank you for making me feel like some hot shot photographer, when it's all done only with my phone camera and edited with picasa!
    Wish I could send you all the fragrance! It's a gentle one, not overpowering. I looked up at one of the trees this morning(behind my kitchen yard) and it was just full of flowers.

  7. love the pic! feeling nostalgic....

  8. if you have kani konna in your garden, it must be in full bloom now. do post pics of that too

  9. Sadly geets I don't have kanni konna in my garden. But will try and get a picture to post.


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