01 July 2007

Thought I would put up a couple of pictures I drew on the computer, both done a while back. The first was drawn for a child; the second is supposed to be a bright moonlit night :)


  1. oh i love the moonlit effect.

  2. ams, i'm sure you are exaggerating about the food being blah...i love a whole lot of stuff which you make - even the ones which you thought didn't turn out well. but anyway having seen through the years about how tense you get about cooking, i really think you should just stick to catering to save you all that tension.

    cute pics too. btw who was the aana for?

  3. aana was for mari or renuka

  4. Wow. I am really impressed, especially the bright moonlight one. You have a lot of talents. :)

  5. Thanks people for the nice words! I did quite a few over time. will put up some more later.

  6. Neat .How did you do it ?


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