21 June 2006

When searching through my desk for some old poems I had written along time back, I came across this written by daughter, maybe when she was in 7th or 8th grade, about her family. It made me feel so touched, I thought I’d put it on the blog.

To God for my family
Who can find a family so good, whom every moment spent with is time cherished;
Who grow in love and understanding as each new day comes forth?

Distance will not separate this family, nor will difference of opinion.
Each has found appreciation in the other, a wonderful and happy existence.

Common interests like music, cricket, cards and travelling tie the bond tighter.
The love of life and the ability to be content, are found in each and every one.

A father who reads out to his children, a mother who is ever so understanding,
Two brothers and a sister, who understand and enjoy time together.

Well, who can find a family so good, who laugh and cry with you?
I have found a family so good and I thank Thee for it.


  1. That was a nice piece from a 7th grader.
    Does she write now ?

  2. Anonymous2:02 pm

    She's a lawyer :)

  3. Anonymous2:02 pm

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